Have you ever thought:

Why do photographers cost so much...

It's only 30 minutes, should it really cost me in the hundreds...

Are updated family portraits worth it...

I am not photogenic and hate pictures. I am not doing this...

How do we know what photographer to pick...

Let's just dive right in!

Q: Why do photographers cost so much?

A: The start up cost for a photographer is expensive: thousands of dollars for gear (camera base, lenses, camera bag, computer, editing subscriptions, etc), billable hours of shooting, hours of editing after the shoot, travel costs, advertisement and marketing, continuation of education, LLC costs, insurance for gear and clients, and last and most likely least, paying 100% income tax!

Q: Are family portraits worth keeping up on?

A: ABSOLUTELY! Your family is evolving and growing as time goes on, so why not capture the amazing journey your family goes on, step-by-step. It is also incredible if you use the same photographer for all parts of your journey because we LOVE to see your life journey and live all those experiences with you!

Q: I am not photogenic and hate pictures. I am not doing this... YOU CAN'T MAKE ME

A: If you have ever thought this, you are in luck because you don't have to worry about anything while at the shoot. Your photographer will have poses, directions and laughs to get you comfortable in front of the camera. They will have poses and styles they like to work in, so leave it up to them to get your best angle every time!

Q: How do I know what photographer to pick?


  1. I would reflect on the top 3 qualities you would like in your photographer: quick with communication, punctual, fun, serious, light and airy, dark and moody, style, etc.
  2. I would ask around to people you trust for referrals.
  3. Hire a true professional with credentials. Photographers want to give the best product and experience to their clients so expect professionalism and professional work!
  4. Choose a photographer that matches your specialty and style you are wanting. Do your research on styles you like and pick a photographer that specializes in that photo type.

I hope this helps you with your questions you have and I would love to chat more about anything you would like to know!

